Warren Pope: Blood Lines Time Lines Red Lines
Artist Warren Pope explores social trauma, racism, and violence through contemporary sculpture and mixed media works, featuring 71 works of art.

“While it may be too late to change society’s ills, I wants to raise the consciousness of people who attend the exhibition and empower them..”
— Warren Pope
About the Artist + Exhibit
Warren Pope has lived in the area since he moved here with his parents and siblings at 15. Pope was born in Munich, Germany. His father, who is Black, met his mother there in 1945. Pope was born the following year. The Pope family eventually moved to the states then to Washington when his father was moved to Fort Lewis.
Pope received his bachelor of fine arts from the University of Puget Sound. His intention was to become a teacher but that plan never materialized. Pope worked as an artist and at one point had a kinetic art gallery in the Old City Hall building in Tacoma. He’s inspired by Alexander Calder, an artist known for mobiles and wire sculptures.
Blood Lines, Time Line, Red Lines” the exhibit came together because of Pope’s clear narrative and the connection each of the works had with one another. NAAM offered Pope a well-earned platform to present his perspective.
Read more about the exhibit in this article from Real Change News.