Endorsements of NAAM
From Members of Congress to local children, NAAM is proud to showcase below a selection of positive feedback from the communities we serve.
“I am 47 years old and I am a fan of these programs and series. Thanks NAAM for your commitment and service to our Black community.”
— Virtual attendee of NAAM’s programs

“That’s one of the crucial reasons why the Museum is such a special, special place...because it’s consecrated. It’s consecrated by the folk who come through, the folk who support it - in recognizing it holds up the grandest examples of greatness. We must have an habitual vision of greatness.”
— Dr. Cornel West
Quotes from Dr. West’s talk at NAAM’s It Takes A Village Series, April 29, 2021. Listen to the full endorsements here.
“We are committed to something bigger than ourselves. It’s what the Northwest African American Museum is all about. It’s about the love of Truth...and lifting every voice.” — Dr. Cornel West
“After attending the most recent Descendants Series featuring the story of Harriet Tubman as told by Tina Wyatt…I was so moved…by the leadership and resilience NAAM shows by creating such fantastic programming to help bring people together while the museum remains closed due to COVID.
I have a lot of admiration for what you’re accomplishing. I have been experiencing some feelings of burnout, so your programming was so energizing, uplifting, and affirming for me at just the right time. Although I am not Black myself, I feel a deep connection to your human message. I have nothing but massive respect for the beauty, strength, and tenacity channeled through your efforts. Thank you.”
— Aaron N.
“NAAM has brought so many new things to me and others’ tables and I’m sure I speak for the community when I say this.... I’m so grateful for your continuous leadership!”
— 16-year-old NAAM Member
“Online events have been marvelous!”
— Donor

“You and your staff have had some amazing educational and inspiring programs. We also appreciated the book giveaways at the memorable Juneteenth celebration at McCaw Hall. NAAM is everywhere!”
— Carol R.
Why did you join or support NAAM?
“Your commitment to education of children and communities deserves recognition and support.”
“I’m an avid museum goer and patron since young girlhood. Museums helped open up my provincial farm-girl world in rural South Dakota… Recently I’ve searched for Washington State-wide Afro-American nonprofit to support. I decided to start with NAAM since you are both local and broadly connected. Your commitment to education of children and communities deserves recognition and support. I look forward to receiving your newsletters, learning more about your vision and mission, and visiting again in the future.”
—Candy T.
“The Northwest African American Museum is a star in the constellation of Seattle’s outstanding museum community.”
“I love being a member of NAAM! It has put me more in touch with Seattle’s deep and rich African American History. Having a membership enables me to attend frequent programs and exhibit openings which are always engaging and illuminating and sometimes just plain fun. I appreciate the diverse mix of old and new friends I get to connect with at NAAM including artists and journalists who address issues critical to our community today. The Northwest African American Museum is a star in the constellation of Seattle’s outstanding museum community.”
— Ellen F.
“I am delighted to be a supporter of NAAM.”
"I am delighted to be a supporter of NAAM located in the African American community. As a volunteer and supporter, it gives me great joy to have our next generation explore the history and contribution that our forefathers and mothers played in the development of the great Pacific Northwest."
— Mary Fields
“I am so impressed with everything NAAM is doing, even during the pandemic, and I want to be part of this amazing organization!”
“I had the chance to watch a live interview that LaNesha DeBardelaben did with Brian Canlis tonight as part of Canlis Community College. It was exciting and enlightening to hear her speak! I am so impressed with everything NAAM is doing, even during the pandemic, and I want to be part of this amazing organization!”
— Laurie C.
“We need NAAM.”
“I'm a big support of NAAM and the variety of art and culture it provides. The staff are amazing and are real community advocates. We need NAAM.”
— Natasha R.
“While I’m not wealthy I can afford to make donations where they will help with racial equity matters.”
“I’ve visited your museum a couple times and have brought several friends along. We all enjoyed our visits. I’m white and looking for more ways to interact with BIPOC folks to better educate myself and to identify ways that I can help financially. I’m taking to heart statistics about the wealth gap. While I’m not wealthy I can afford to make donations where they will help with racial equity matters.”
— Carolyn H.
“Black leadership matters.”
“…Black Leadership matters. Thank you for the incredible programming and organizing today, for your commitment to education and community, and for showing the museum and heritage sectors what this work looks like.”
— Elizabeth R.
“…I am feeling compelled to support our Black community not only with our hearts but also our wallets.”
“I joined NAAM as a member today for a couple of reasons. The catalyst was considering my own accountability in anti-racism efforts. I was discussing with friends which organizations I should expand my ongoing donations to in support of racial equality, and NAAM came up. I have been meaning to join as a member for years and the time has come for me to make good on my intention. …I am feeling compelled to support our Black community not only with our hearts but also our wallets. Becoming a member of NAAM seemed the best first step in doing so that was also authentic to who I am.”
— Monica K.
“…a natural hub for our African American community.”
“NAAM has top-notch programming, culturally-relevant exhibits and artistry — a natural hub for our African American community. For this we are forever grateful and appreciative.”
— Jacquelyn H.
“I am a cultural colleague and as I’ve grown to know more about NAAM, I’m absolutely knocked over by the quantity and quality of programming that NAAM produces AND how community based it all is. I know that the resources are limited but it feels to my eye that they are optimized for greatest impact. That’s what all of us working to serve our communities should be doing. What I can give, I happily give, as a thanks for inspiring and impactful work.”
— Diana J.